Complex Trading Systems - Part II

Monday, 9 February 2009

The basic advantages of this approach are:

1. There is no human factor, i.e. a trader, as a person, will be free from excessive emotions. Nerves are kept (relatively) intact!

2. The trader will have more free time. Traders should not be constantly "chained" to the computer screen.

The basic disadvantages of this approach:

1. As all these systems are executed by the client’s computer (within the trading terminal or platform), instead of on the brokerage’s server, it can create a different sort of force majeure situation such as: problems with your РС (computer lock-ups, etc.), power failures or internet connection problems.

2. There is more chance of missing unexpected fundamental news.

The given approach has advantages and also disadvantages – ultimately it is up to you.

Trading Systems offered by financial companies

As has been mentioned before, there are many companies offering “ready for trading” trade recommendations or instant trade alerts (for intraday trading). Charges for these facilities can be monthly, quarterly or annual. These services can be in the form of “ready for use” software, e-mail mail alerts or notifications via instant messenger services.

The cost for such services can be quite high: around $200 per month for trading alerts and more.

Software can be even more expensive. I know of companies offering software for generating trading signals/alerts that costs over $9,000!

In fairness, these services can be very useful for people who are very busy and just unable to watch the markets all the time.

Complex Trading Systems - Part I

Friday, 6 February 2009

Trading Systems created by advanced traders

As a rule, “beginner” traders search for literature devoted to trading financial markets. They study market basics and as they begin to understand how they function, they study the technical and fundamental analysis.

While continuing with their studies, they open a virtual trading account and start to practice their theoretical knowledge.

Of course, it takes time.

Once they start to earn “income” using virtual money, they open the real trading account, fund it with real money and start trading with the intention of receiving a real money profit. A trader looks at various indicators, trying to define which are best suited to their style of trading. In parallel, a trader can use the free and paid services giving trading recommendations.

In due course, step by step, a trader begins to form their own approach to trading based on certain rules for using those particular indicators or other trading tools (a set of carefully chosen indicators, with certain parameters, for example).

Eventually, the trader forms their own unique approach to trading; their trading strategy or trading system.

Put simply, a system consists of identifying a set of events or situations which arise in the market and confirming these as good (or bad) by comparing them with a known set of parameters and technical indicators. When all or most of these events occur at any one time, it is a signal to buy (or sell).

It is important for the systems developed by a trader to be computerized at the earliest opportunity. This will allow their automatic execution without the trader having to be directly involved.

Many trading platforms such as МТ4 allow the user to program algorithms (a procedure or formula for solving a problem, created in the form of a script that is run on your computer) and build them into a trading system. This makes it possible for trade positions to be opened and closed automatically when certain conditions occur.

Technical analysis

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Technical analysis

Technical analysis is research of market dynamics done mainly with the help of charts, and for the purpose of forecasting future price movement.

Technical analysis comprises several approaches to the study of price movement which are interconnected within the framework of one harmonious theory.

This type of analysis studies the price movement in the market by analyzing three market factors: price, volume, and in the case of futures contracts, the number of open positions.

Of these three factors, the primary one for technical analysis is that of price. Changes in other factors are studied, mainly in order to confirm the correctness of the identified price trend. This technical theory, just like any theory, has its core postulates.

Technical analysts base their research on three axioms:

􀂉 Market movement considers everything

This is the most important postulate of technical analysis. It is crucial to understand it in order to grasp the procedures of analysis. Put simply, any factor that influences the price of securities, whether economic, political, or psychological, has already been taken into account and reflected in the price chart.

In other words, every price change is accompanied by a change in external factors. The main inference of this premise is the necessity to follow closely the price movements and analyze them. By means of analyzing price charts and multiple other indicators, a technical analyst reaches the point that the market, itself, shows him/her the trend it will most likely follow.

This premise is in conflict with fundamental analysis where the attention is primarily paid to the study of factors, and later on, after the analysis of the factors, conclusions as to the market trends are made.

Thus, if the demand is higher than the supply, a fundamental analyst will come to the conclusion that the price will increase. A technical analyst, however, makes his/her conclusions in the opposite sequence: since the price has increased, it means the demand is higher than the supply.

􀂉 Prices move with the trend

This assumption is the basis for all methods of technical analysis, as a market that moves in accordance with trends can be analyzed, unlike a chaotic market.

The postulate that the price movement is a result of a trend has two effects: The first implies that the current trend will most likely continue and will not reverse itself, thus, excluding disorderly chaotic movement of the market. The second implies that the current trend will go on until the opposite trend sets in.

􀂉 History repeats itself

Technical analysis and study of market dynamics are closely related to the study of human psychology. Thus, the graphical price models identified and classified within the last hundred years depict core characteristics of the psychological state of the market.

Primarily, they show the moods currently prevailing in the market, whether bullish or bearish. Since these models worked in the past, we have reason to suppose that they will work in the future, for they are based on human psychology which remains almost unchanged over the years.

We can reword the last postulate — history repeats itself — in a slightly different way: the key to understanding the future lies in the study of the past.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009


The announcement of a given result is not expected to influence a currency and, most likely, its publication will be little more than a statistical fact

The announcement of a given result is expected to influence a currency for the current session at most

The announcement of a given result is expected to influence a currency for a day, a week or even a month


→  The output of the economic indicator (presumably) does not render action on an exchange rate

↑  The output of the economic indicator will (presumably) cause growth of an exchange rate

↓  The output of the economic indicator will (presumably) cause a decline of an exchange rate

↓↓  The output of the economic indicator will (presumably) cause strong (very strong) decline of an exchange rate

↑↑  The output of the economic indicator will (presumably) cause strong (very strong) growth of an exchange rate

It is very difficult to predict movement of the currency after the publication of the data (more often it happens before publication of carryovers from sessions of central banks, statements of large political figures, publications of economic reports (the Beige book (USA), Tankan (Japan), etc.)

As you can see, brokerages will try their best to help you with all kinds of trading information. In time, you’ll be able to understand everything very clearly.

Common detailed Fundamental Analysis for an index:

Monday, 2 February 2009

Fundamental Analysis: ISM services index

The last value on the chart above shows predicted data

Analysis: This index was in an uptrend from the end of 2001. During 2002 it stayed above 50, signifying that the service sector was increasing. From the middle of 2003 this index stabilized within the indicated range. Its decrease in September was triggered by the hurricane and, though it recovered in October, it is still quite low.

Conclusion: This index signifies some weakness in the mid-term perspective. ISM services index for March may be more positive than forecast.

2nd example of Fundamental Analysis for a day

Notes: Above the forecast – the actual value is mathematically larger than the forecast value (for example, 5% > 4.3% and -49 > -51).

Below the forecast – the actual value is mathematically smaller than the forecast value (for example, 4.1% <>

Fundamental analysis does not provide absolute indication in market analysis and will always consist of a complex of possible tendencies.

The level of importance of each economic indicator can be deduced by studying the influence that indicator exerted on an exchange rate over a period of several years.

The level of importance of a given indicator can be over or underestimated depending on the market conditions at the time and the degree of expectancy by a market of the announced result.